ordained by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi in 2005
The Four Noble Truths and the Heart Sutra
In this study group we turn our attention to the Buddha’s basic teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Heart Sutra, with an emphasis on understanding them as practice instructions for liberation from suffering. We read and reflect together on two short texts, The Four Noble Truths, by Ajahn Sumedho, and The Essence of the Heart Sutra, by the Dalai Lama, with a focus on our living practice. We meet once or twice a month in the Greenfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
Please email Catherine at catherinegammon@gmail.com if you are interested in participating
Bio Note
Catherine Gammon is a Soto Zen priest in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, ordained in 2005 by Tenshin Reb Anderson. Catherine began formal practice with Stillpoint in 1997 and received precepts as a layperson from Rev. Shohaku Okumura in 1998. She was in residential training at San Francisco Zen Center from 2000 to 2010, and served as Shuso, or head monk, for the Spring 2010 practice period at Green Dragon Temple/Green Gulch Farm. During summer 2010 she served as visiting priest in residence with the Dancing Mountains Sangha in the UK. Before leaving Pittsburgh to begin residential training, Catherine wrote fiction and taught creative writing in the Master of Fine Arts program of the University of Pittsburgh. Her novel Isabel Out of the Rain was published in 1991 by Mercury House, and her shorter fiction appeared in many literary journals between 1977 and 2000. She returned to Pittsburgh in January 2011. Recent fiction is forthcoming in Artifice Issue 4 in November 2011.
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Stillpoint Tenshin Reb Anderson San Francisco Zen Center Dancing MountainsShohaku Okumura